Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welcome everyone!

Hi all!

So, here we are, finally writing our first, proper (this doesn't count) post!

Even though I'm the one typing, I'd like to present the entire team, mainly because they don't want to write this post and are too busy preparing their awesome first posts. Enough babbling, who are you people and what do you want?


Alessandro is our computer scientist, as of today he has finished his degree and is studying a masters degree in Computer/Network security.


Cristóbal is our true telecommunication engineer (he chose the main branch, antennas and that kind of witchcraft). He came to us from the cold North Oviedo and currently he is finishing his studies (but he's almost done!).


That will be me. I am finishing my telecommunications degree in Telematics engineering in Madrid, and I plan on doing the exact same masters degree Alessandro is doing.

So, what's your story? why the blog?

We created this blog to learn and post about the fields we are specialized on. Alessandro will mainly deal with security, Cristóbal will be responsible for the telecommunication stuff, and I'll show you how magical the networks can be. Our intention is to publish, at least, a couple of posts per week, and the first one is coming soon so... stay tuned!

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